Dynamic Languages Symposium 2022  OOPSLA/SPLASH 2022

Co-located with SPLASH 2022

In association with ACM SIGPLAN

  • DLS 2022
  • Auckland, New Zealand, Dec 6, 2022


    Welcome to the 18th edition of the Dynamic Language Symposium (DLS), co-located with SPLASH 2022.

    DLS is the premier forum for researchers and practitioners to share research results and experience on all aspects on dynamic languages by which we mean languages like Clojure, Dart, Elixir, Erlang, JavaScript, Julia, Lisp, Lua, Perl, Python, Ruby, R, Racket, Scheme, Smalltalk, and more.

    The first DLS was organized in San Diego in 2005. Those of us who were around at the time might remember that this event was born out of a number of workshops organized at OOPSLA’04, ECOOP’03 and ECOOP’04. So give or take a couple of years, DLS has been going on for nearly two decades! A lot has changed in all those years. At the turn of the century, Java was the dominant academic paradigm at said conferences. Over the years, DLS has contributed a lot to gradually moving the academic ship in the other direction. It is thanks to events such as DLS that the PL-landscape is now much more diverse than 20 years ago.

    This year, we received five submissions reporting original research and experience related to the design, implementation, and applications of dynamic languages. Two of those papers have been accepted to the symposium. As in previous years, reviewing proceeded in two rounds. The first round followed a lightweight double-blind process, meaning that author identities were not revealed to reviewers until the discussion phase. In the second phase, authors revised their submissions to address reviewer concerns, and we believe that this resulted in better papers and enabled a more complete dissemination of work on dynamic languages. Our sincere thanks go to the Program Committee, the SPLASH organization, the authors, and the DLS community for all of your efforts toward this year's symposium.

    Wolfgang De Meuter, Arjun Guha
    DLS 2022 Program Chairs

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